Image may represent a range of products. Product may vary based on listed specifications.
United Electric Controls
United Electric Controls J400K Differential Pressure Switch, 2-20 psid setpoint range, one SPDT, 15A@125/250/480 VAC, 3/4" FNPT and two 7/8" dia. knockouts electrical connector, NEMA 4X enclosure, Buna-N diaphragm and o-ring, 1/4" FNPT alum. pressure connector, internal adjust. w/o ref. dial
- Manufacturer: United Electric Controls
- DOCS_UE 400 Series Switches Datasheet:
- Pressure Range: 2 to 20 psid
- Product Family: 400 Series
- Product Type: Pressure Switches
- Setpoint Adjustment Type: Internal Adjustment No Reference Dial
- Switch Type: (1) SPDT
- Wetted Materials: Buna-N and Aluminum
- LINKS_Browse All 400 Series Products: /manufacturers/united-electric/400-series
- LINKS_Browse All United Electric Controls Products: /manufacturers/united-electric
- Product Category: Switches
- CUSTOM_Product Type2: Internal Adjustment Switches
- DOCS_UE 400 Series Pressure Switches Installation:
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