Lenze 8400 Inverter Series Delivers 'Right-Sized' Tailored Motion Control Solutions

Lenze Americas 12th Dec 2022

8400 Series InverterLenze Americas, a leading global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical drives, motion control and automation technology, recently launched the Lenze 8400 inverter series. The 8400 series features L-Force automation technology for tailored motion control solutions that deliver stable and high dynamic performance in a range of material handling and logistics applications.

"The 8400 product family runs the gamut from basic inverter to 'servo' inverter. From simple continuous motion applications, like driving a conveyor, to controlling complex synchronized pick-and-place applications, there is an 8400 inverter right-sized for the job," said Darrow Hanesian, director of inverter products, Lenze Americas. "Matched with high efficiency Lenze motors, gearboxes and brakes, the 8400 series steers the whole drive package."

Most mechanical processes have variable power requirements that depend on external parameters, such as the production volume. A frequency inverter matches the speed and torque with the process requirements. In addition to L-Force control and software, the 8400 series inverters incorporate intelligent features, including memory modules, online diagnostics and optional integrated safety systems.

The Lenze 8400 BaseLine, StateLine, HighLine and TopLine versions are a scaled series of frequency inverters to exactly match the requirements of a given application. The 8400 motec and protec inverters offer decentralized drive technology. Identical installation, parameterization, and user operation across the 8400 series enable ease of installation and operation of a single production line or full factory automation. The 8400 inverters are designed to optimize automated industrial processes, such as winding, packaging, positioning, extruding, and filling.

"Efficiency is a major cost factor in inverter drive systems, especially in demanding applications with protracted running times, acceleration and lifting operations. The robust 8400 inverters bring maximum productivity together with the highest order picking quality and reliability," added Hanesian.

12th Dec 2022 Lenze Americas

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