IO-Link Contrinex: Sensors learn to talk

Contrinex 12th Dec 2022

Contrinex IO-Link ContrinexIO-Link is the first worldwide standardized IO technology (IEC 61131-9) to allow communication with sensors and actuators. Devices are identified, parameterized and diagnosed. Cyclic information about device status is also obtained through "process data". IO-Link is not a fieldbus. It deals with point-to-point communication between a master and a device. The IO-Link master, usually in conjunction with a PLC, represents the gateway to fieldbuses like Profibus, ProfiNet, EtherCAT, etc.

IO-Link advantages:

-Continuous monitoring of process data
-Continuous diagnosis of sensor status
-Central data management
-Easy check of sensor ID, to ensure the right sensor is at the right place
-No more manual parameter setting. Parameter sets are downloaded automatically
-Plug-and-play replacement of sensors
-Reduced downtime for machine changeover

12th Dec 2022 Contrinex

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