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C23 Series: the allrounders

Contrinex 12th Dec 2022

C23 SeriesThe new C23 series of miniature photoelectric sensors, available in diffuse, reflex, through-beam and background suppression types, offers solutions for a wide range of industries and applications. With IO-Link communication on all PNP-type sensors, the C23 series bridges the gap between machines and the digital world to meet the demands of Industry 4.0.

Your advantages:

-Top level sensing ranges
-Miniature housing: 20 x 30 x 10 mm3
-Special optics for excellent background suppression characteristics
-Alignment aid version for through-beam type
-Cross-talk immunity
-Calibrated sensing ranges
-IO-Link on all PNP sensors

Application: conveyors

The C23 series is excellent for conveyor applications, since it combines reduced size with large sensing ranges to detect fast moving items reliably. Diffuse and background suppression types are very good for narrow conveyors, while reflex and through-beam types are perfect for wider conveyors.

-Miniature housing
-Large sensing ranges

IO-Link functionalities

Data monitoring

Detection status is monitored and continuously transmitted through IO-Link process data. This data contains both the detection state and the stability of detection (sufficient detection margin). It is possible, therefore, to determine whether the sensor is working too close to its detection threshold, for example due to window contamination.


The operating state of the sensor is checked. In case of wire break, under-voltage, disturbances on the receiver, sensor malfunction or installation of the wrong sensor, information is provided directly through IO-Link to enable fast repair, maintenance and replacement.

Sensitivity and teach

The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted remotely by changing the threshold. Alternatively, the teach function can be used to adapt the threshold to the application. Calibrated sensing ranges ensure easy sensor replacement by uploading the existing sensitivity to the replacement sensor.

Light-on/Dark-on selection

The output switching mode can be selected as light-on or dark-on. A single sensor type is configurable for the various needs of an application. This helps reduce the number of different sensor types required in stock.

Switching timer

The timing of output switching can be configured. Depending on the needs of an application, output switching can be delayed or the duration stretched.

Sensor mode

3 different modes are selectable depending on the application needs: “Normal”, “Fast” and “Fine”. “Normal” mode is a good balance of speed and precision. In “Fast” mode, speed is higher and in “Fine” mode precision is higher.

Sequence selection

For cross-talk immunity with through-beam sensors, up to 10 different emitting sequences can be selected to pair the emitter with the receiver.

Detection counter

Detection events are counted. By registering the number of detections, it is possible to calculate the speed or number of parts. The counter can be reset by means of a unique IO-Link message.


The internal temperature of the sensor is measured continuously, which provides an indication about the ambient temperature in the application. Moreover, the maximum temperature measured is saved for diagnosis and preventive maintenance purposes.

12th Dec 2022 Contrinex

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